Abdoul Aziz Niane

Abdoul Aziz Niane
Senior Scientist for Seed Systems, International Nurseries and Seed Health and Regional Coordinator APRP

Dr. Abdoul Aziz Niane is a seed technologist and rangeland ecologist with more than 30 years of experience in crop management and post-harvest seed operations. Since joining ICARDA in 1987, he has worked on seed production and post-harvest operations with extensive regional activities, including training and technical support on national seed system diversification.

He has led the operation and diversification of seed delivery systems, and implemented rangeland ecosystem monitoring and rehabilitation efforts. Dr. Niane has authored more than 20 peer-reviewed publications. His research interests include basic and applied research on seed science and technology.

He received his Ph.D. in rangeland ecology from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, and a M.Sc. in plant protection from Cukuruva University in Turkey.

Abdoul Aziz Niane's Publications