Abdul Majid

Abdul Majid
Pakistan Country Manager

Abdul Majid has over 40 years of professional experience in management and research positions, and has worked on many different aspects of agricultural research for development. He currently manages several projects from ICARDA’s Pakistan Office, including a watershed rehabilitation and irrigation improvement project, an initiative that enhances cotton production, and a soil fertility and health project applied to different agro-ecologies. Majid has also developed water saving techniques for Pakistan’s wheat sector. 

Prior to joining ICARDA he served as National Coordinator for Wheat at the National Agricultural Research Centre, held various roles in the private sector, and also worked for the federal and provincial governments of Pakistan. During his time in government Majid initiated Pakistan’s Farming Systems Research Programme in collaboration with various governmental institutions. He also created public-private partnerships to bring meat and food processing companies to Pakistan. Majid has implemented research projects on behalf of many international donors, including ADB, ACIAR, IFAD, USAID, and USDA.

Abdul Majid's Publications