Mariana Yazbek

Mariana Yazbek
Genebank Manager – Senior Scientist

Mariana Yazbek is an ICARDA Scientist and the Genebank manager at ICARDA Lebanon, where she is responsible for the conservation and management of the rich and unique “Crop Wild Relatives collection” originating in the Fertile Crescent. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the CGIAR Genebank Platform and acts as a co-chair of the IUCN Species Survival Commission - Crop Wild Relative Specialist Group.

Mariana holds a PhD. in Plant Biology (Plant Systematics) from Cornell University. In addition to ex-situ conservation, her research also extends to promoting in-situ conservation of Agrobiodiversity (landraces and wild relatives of agricultural crops) in the MENA region. Mariana is particularly interested in strengthening collaboration with national partners and building national capacities in plant genetic resources conservation.

Mariana Yazbek's Publications