2019 Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium

Start Date
October 16, 2019
End Date
October 18, 2019
Des Moines, USA

The "Borlaug Dialogue" brings together over 1,200 people each year from more than 65 countries to address cutting-edge issues related to global food security and nutrition. The three-day conference convenes a wide array of scientific experts, policy leaders, business executives and farmers and has been called "the premier conference in the world on global agriculture." Through the Borlaug Dialogue, the World Food Prize Foundation helps build alliances in the struggle against world hunger and malnutrition.

The 2019 Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium will once again convene an exceptional array of distinguished international leaders, farmers, agribusiness executives, scientists, non-governmental organizations, and development experts to address the most critical issues facing global food security.

The theme for the 2019 Symposium, “Pax Agricultura: Peace Through Agriculture,” will address the increasingly intersectional issues of food security, conflict and development. With topics ranging from religion, diplomacy, climate, scientific innovation, and corporate leadership, this year’s Dialogue will serve as an opportunity to take stock of the current state of global agriculture and food security.