Higher Education in the Euro- Mediterranean Area

Start Date
December 01, 2019
End Date
December 01, 2019

1 December 2019. New Cairo, Egypt. UfM 3rd Regional Meeting on Higher Education Internationalisation

Session 1 - Towards a renewed Strategic Agenda for Higher Education in the Euro-Mediterranean Area
  • Presentation of the main results from the regional consultation process on the key challenges, needs and requirements for strengthening structural cooperation.
  • Feedback from countries on the main results: proposed priorities, follow-up mechanism and process.
  • Agreement on the next steps and validation process: presentation to the SOM for endorsement by the 43 UfM Member States (Spring 2020).

Session 2 - Building upon experience: Lessons from regional initiatives and projects


  • Sharing of experience by ongoing regional initiatives and projects.
  • Exchange on the most important challenges or needs the initiatives and projects are facing to achieve greater and more structural impact.
  • Roundtable discussion aiming at identifying specific support needed by countries and stakeholders and possible actions to be included in the Strategic Agenda for Higher Education in the Mediterranean Area.

Session 3 - Strengthening regional partnerships and cooperation
  • Ways to enhance cross-fertilisation between parallel intergovernmental processes in the region
  • Exchange on the most important challenges or needs the countries are facing to further develop South-South cooperation.
  • Roundtable discussion aiming at identifying specific support needed by countries, and stakeholders and possible actions to be included in the Strategic Agenda for Higher Education in the Mediterranean Area.