MEDNIGHT’s Mediterranean Science Team Gala Ceremony

Start Date
February 09, 2023
End Date
February 09, 2023
General event
 Mediterranean Science Team Gala Ceremony
Mediterranean Science Team Gala Ceremony

11 women in MEDNIGHT’s Mediterranean Science Team 2023! 
MEDNIGHT presents the all-female Mediterranean Science Team in Istanbul, Jointly organized by European Women Rectors Association & Kadir Has University. 

ICARDA’s Dr. Safaa Kumari plant virologist and heads the Seed Health/Virology Laboratory, and a team of 10 other scientists from the Mediterranean will be honored on the 9th of February 2023, 12.00 (CET) at a gala held in Istanbul at Kadir Has University. 

The 2023 Mediterranean Science Team is formed of women experts in topics of most interest to MEDNIGHT: sciences for the future, technology, health, climate change, and marine sciences. 

To attend the gala, register via this link before Monday, February 6.