Climate-smart agriculture 2019

Start Date
October 08, 2019
End Date
October 10, 2019
Bali, Indonesia

Since the term climate-smart agriculture (CSA) was coined in 2010, the biannual global science conferences on CSA have emerged as the key global forum for scientific exchange to underpin CSA implementation. Building on the lessons from the previous conferences, the overarching theme of the 5th conference, ‘Transforming food systems under a changing climate’, takes cognizance of the need for transformation and aims to build the knowledge base needed to support the transformation required.

Objectives - Mobilizing partners for transformation

For a transformation to succeed, creativity, disruption and change are required. We invite stakeholders, entrepreneurs and game changers from all sectors to join us in taking action.

The conference will aim to achieve the following objectives:

  • To mobilize the knowledge needed for food systems transformation under climate change.
  • To catalyze the partnerships needed for transformation, bringing together all key stakeholders, from scientists, policy makers, investors and farmers.