Integrated Food Security Phase Classification

Start Date
January 01, 2019
End Date
December 31, 2019
Online course

This e-learning course, entitled Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) - version 2.0, provides an overview of IPC approach. The goal of this course is to provide guidance on how to use IPC tools and procedures specifically focused on acute food insecurity.

Duration: 9 hours


The target audience of the e-learning course includes:

Food security analysts, technical staff, field personnel who are involved in  the collection, management, analysis, and reporting of food insecurity information. Mid-level managers, policy formulators and program managers who are involved in monitoring progress in poverty reduction, and meeting food security  goals and targets.


The course consists of 11 lessons, of approximately 15 to 150 minutes duration each:

  • Lesson 1 Introduction
  • Lesson 2 Why use the IPC?
  • Lesson 3 Building Technical Consensus
  • Lesson 4 IPC Analytical Approach and Overview of Tools
  • Lesson 5 IPC Analytical Framework
  • Lesson 6 IPC Reference Tables and Analysis Worksheets
  • Lesson 7 Key Parameters for the IPC Classification
  • Lesson 8 IPC Classification Procedures Step by Step
  • Lesson 9 Communicating for Action
  • Lesson 10 IPC Quality Assurance
  • Lesson 11 IPC Implementation process

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