Seid-Ahmed Kemal

Seid-Ahmed Kemal
Principal Scientist - Plant Pathologist

Dr. Seid Ahmed Kemal is a member of ICARDA’s legume breeding team which develops high yielding and disease-resistant food legumes. He also researches the epidemiology of food legume diseases and supervises graduate students. Dr. Seid Ahmed Kemal has a Ph.D. in biology from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, and a M.Sc. in crop protection from Haramaya University, Ethiopia.

Seid-Ahmed Kemal's Publications

Book Chapter
January 15, 2018

Faba bean is mainly grown under rain-fed conditions, although irrigated production is important in Egypt, parts of China and Central Asia. China is the leading producer with a wide range of intensive rotation and inter-crop holistic cropping systems...

Journal Article
April 23, 2013

جرت عمليات المسح الحقلي لمرض ذبول العدس في معظم مناطق انتشار و زراعة العدس في سورية خلال موسمي 2008 / 2009 و 2009 / 2010، بهدف تحديد أماكن انتشار المرض و العوامل المؤثرة في تطوره.

و قد بينت النتائج انتشار المرض في جميع المحافظات التي تزرع العدس خلال...

Journal Article
July 31, 2011

No-till lentil holds promise for minimizing soil and crop residue disturbance, controlling soil evaporation, minimizing erosion losses, sequestering carbon and reducing energy needs. These effects reduce overall cost of production while improving...