Project Name
Increasing food legumes production by small farmers to strengthen food and nutrition security through adoption of improved technologies and governance within south-south cooperation


India-Morocco Food Legumes Initiative is intended to strengthen and improve food and nutritional security of low-income people and the sustainability of poor farmers, and to conserve the natural resource base for sustainable production systems in India and Morocco. As part of the initiative, OCPF, UBKV, TSRD, RVSKVV, NEH, MESADM, KVKD, BMJ, BCKV and ICARDA, have agreed to collaborate in the dissemination and adoption of improved technologies to increase productivity of food legumes in India.


The project aims to improve food and nutritional security, livelihood of resource poor farmers, and conserve natural resource base for sustainable production systems in India and Morocco.
Dissemination and adoption of improved technologies and governance to increase productivity of food legumes through participatory knowledge management systems and South-South collaboration.
Impact pathways
The project involves different research institutions in the development of an innovation platform with the objective of spreading knowledge about food legumes on farm level. The dissemination and adoption of improved technologies and governance to increase productivity of food legumes are carried on through participatory approach. For the entire duration of the project, local farmers are involved in joint experimentation with other stakeholders, for the selection of varieties, the testing of equipment and the organization of rural communities. The level of commitment granted by several years of participatory approach, potentially assures a good adoption rate for new technologies and practices, and also the sustainability of farmer associations in presence of an adequate policy support. The project contributes to increase the skills and the innovation abilities of the beneficiaries (farmers and research institutions), and their capacity to adopt research outputs. The adoption of new technologies and practices by local farmers contributes to Increased livelihood opportunities. The project also contributes to improve partnership relation between research institution, through trainings and exchanges.



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Project Management


Ashutosh Sarker


