Project Name
Development of Lentil Cultivar with High Concentration of Iron and Zinc (HarvestPlus Program)


Under the umbrella of the CGIAR HarvestPlus Program, ICARDA in collaboration with CIAT & IFPRI is facilitating national programs on the production and harvesting of lentil in five countries, i.e. India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Lebanon and Morocco. The aim is to breed lentil crop varieties with higher iron and zinc concentration and to develop the related production technologies to ensure greater and stable yields on farmers’ fields.


The goal of the project is to produce biofortified lentil varieties in Bangladesh, India, Lebanon, Morocco and Nepal with higher iron and zinc concentration and also to provide the related production technologies.
The objectives of the project are: (i) to develop Micro-nutrient Rich Lentil Varieties (especially higher concentration of Iron and Zinc); (ii) to disseminate Fe- & Zn- rich lentil varieties through Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS), large plot demonstration and participatory seed multiplication; (iii) to produce lentil seeds through Village Based Seed Production Entrepreneurs (VBSE) and seed storage bin support.
Impact pathways
Project is destined to provide micro-nutrient rich lentil varieties in five developing countries i.e. Morocco, Lebanon, India, Nepal & Bangladesh where lentil is extensively used as cash crop. To improve nutrient deficieny, ICARDA will provide & assist in high Fe & Zn lentil seed multiplication & production with justified farming practices suitable to each country. In this regard, this project will contribute in CGIAR strategic goals i.e. increased income & employment (1.3) with increased value capture by producers (1.3.3), increased productivity (1.4) with enhanced genetic gain (1.4.3) and improved conservation/use of genetic resources (1.4.4) which will holistically improve diets of poor & vulnerable people (2.1). Capacity enhancement in the field of agriculture, farming, genetics & biotechnology will improve capacity of farmers/poor & vulnerable communities in lentil production (D 1.4), research organizations capacity for innovation & to adopt research outputs (D 1.3 & C1.1) and women capacity to participate in decision making (B 1.3).



24, 90

20, 77

33.8333, 35.8333

32, -5

28, 84

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Project Management


Ashutosh Sarker


