Ali Mohammed Oumer

Ali Mohammed Oumer
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Agricultural Economics

Dr. Ali Mohammed Oumer is an Agricultural Economist. His current research focuses on the analysis of farm productivity and efficiency, technology adoption, scaling, and impact evaluation, natural resource economics, and value chain analysis in developing countries.

Before joining ICARDA, he was a researcher at the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), working on production economics, technology adoption, and value chain analysis. He also worked on scaling improved vegetable technologies on farms in the central highlands of Ethiopia. His quantitative research skills include applied microeconomics, stochastic frontier modelling, cost-benefit analysis, and multivariate analysis. He also applies qualitative and quantitative methods to understand the depth and breadth of research, respectively.

Dr. Oumer published in peer-reviewed journals such as the Agricultural Economics, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Food Security, and Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. He holds PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of Western Australia, an M.Sc. in Agricultural development from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and a B.Sc. in Agriculture from Haramaya University in Ethiopia.

Ali Mohammed Oumer's Publications