First Phase Activities Report on Ph.D. Research Fellowship (Sufian Suliman Mohammed), from 10 March-10 June 2013

Published Date
June 30, 2013
First Phase Activities Report on Ph.D. Research Fellowship (Sufian Suliman Mohammed), from 10 March-10 June 2013
Sufian Suliman Mohammed Elhassan Ali

The aim of this Ph.D. study is to introduce high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit combination “5+10” into some Sudanese wheat cultivars for improve the bread-making quality under heat stress conditions, using marker assisted selection and association mapping. To achieve the objectives of the study, different experiments will be conducted at three different locations in the Nile Valley for two years; one set will be planted at Sid research station in Egypt, and two sets will be tested at Dongola and Gezira research stations in Sudan, in addition to one non replicated two row nursery of these materials will be send for evaluation of diseases at Kulumsa Research Station, Ethiopia, starting from the next wheat-growing season 2013/2014.

Sufian Suliman Mohammed Elhassan Ali. (30/6/2013). First Phase Activities Report on Ph. D. Research Fellowship (Sufian Suliman Mohammed), from 10 March-10 June 2013.
crop improvement
plant breeding
plant genetic resources