A gap analysis modelling framework to prioritize collecting for ex situ conservation of crop landraces
Published Date
June 01, 2020
Journal Article
Colin K Khoury, Colin K Khoury, Colin K Khoury, Harold Achicanoy, Andres C. Mendez, Maria Victoria Diaz, Chrystian C. Sosa, Daniel Debouck, Zakaria Kehel, Luigi Guarino
The conservation and effective use of crop genetic diversity are crucial to overcome challenges related to human nutrition and agricultural sustainability. Farmers’ traditional varieties (“landraces”) are major sources of genetic variation. The degree of representation of crop landrace diversity in ex situ conservation is poorly understood, partly due to a lack of methods that can negotiate both the anthropogenic and environmental determinants of their geographic distributions. Here, we describe a novel spatial modelling and ex situ conservation gap analysis modelling framework for crop landraces, using common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a case study.
Julian Ramirez-Villegas, Colin K Khoury, Harold Achicanoy, Andres C. Mendez, Maria Victoria Diaz, Chrystian C. Sosa, Daniel Debouck, Zakaria Kehel, Luigi Guarino. (1/6/2020). A gap analysis modelling framework to prioritize collecting for ex situ conservation of crop landraces. Diversity and Distributions, 26 (6), pp. 730-742.
common bean
gap analysis
crop diversity
plant genetic resources