Variation in P-acquisition ability and acid phosphatase activity at the early vegetative stage of lentil and their validation on P-deficiency field

Published Date
June 28, 2021
Journal Article
Variation in P-acquisition ability and acid phosphatase activity at the early vegetative stage of lentil and their validation on P-deficiency field
Shamba Ganguly
Anirban Roy, Sumit K. Murmu, Diana Sagolsem, Moutushi Sarkar, Shubhrajyoti Sen, Dibakar Das, Camellia Das, Prabir Chakraborty, Prabir K. Bhattacharyya, Rajib Nath, Kuldeep Tripathi, Ashutosh Sarker, Somnath Bhattacharyya

Plant available phosphorus (P) is limited in the vast rice-fallow areas where the soil is mainly acidic. Screening of fifty lentil genotypes in soil cylinder filled with solid-phase P-buffer identified genotypes with high P-acquisition ability even though desorbed P was 100 μmol/g only. Genotypes with high P-acquisition ability were identified based on their almost equal P-acquisition ability both in P-deficient and sufficient conditions. Root dry weight and root surface area showed a significant positive correlation with shoot phosphate content in P-deficiency condition, but not in P-sufficiency condition. Identified top three tolerant genotypes, namely IC560183, WBL77, and BM3 showed a 30% reduced seed yield in P-deficient field as compared to 60% or more reduction by intolerant genotypes. In P-Deficiency condition, 4–6 times high intercellular acid phosphatase activity in roots of the tolerant genotypes may be one of the factors for high P-acquisition. Higher external secretion of acid phosphatase in tolerant genotypes was also confirmed by blue colour through 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphate (BCIP) staining. P-deficiency tolerant lentil genotypes will be useful in expansion and enhancing the productivity of lentil in vast rice-fallow areas, mostly where plant-available P is low.

Shamba Ganguly, Anirban Roy, Sumit K. Murmu, Diana Sagolsem, Moutushi Sarkar, Shubhrajyoti Sen, Dibakar Das, Camellia Das, Prabir Chakraborty, Prabir K. Bhattacharyya, Rajib Nath, Kuldeep Tripathi, Ashutosh Sarker, Somnath Bhattacharyya. (28/6/2021). Variation in P-acquisition ability and acid phosphatase activity at the early vegetative stage of lentil and their validation on P-deficiency field. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 43 (7).
acid phosphatase