In 2021, Appropriate Agriculture International Co. Ltd (AAI) approached ICARDA to organize a third country visit for their counterpart institutes in Balochistan region, Pakistan, under the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Technical Cooperation Project for Capacity Development of Agricultural Extension Services in Balochistan (CADAEX-BAL PROJECT).
Starting in early 2022, ICARDA and AAI discussed the development of a course program and AAI decided to dispatch seven participants for the visit with a special focus on water saving technology, water saving crops, olive production, marketing and processing, and cooperation between research and extension.
To improve knowledge and techniques of the JICA Technical Cooperation Project counterparts in the field of irrigation, water management and agricultural extension.
The objectives are for participants to learn about: developments in technologies, irrigation applications and tools, information and communication technologies, best practices, innovations, and success stories for maximizing water productivity at the field level; a case study of agroecological farming in new reclaimed lands including conservation agriculture, mulching, bio-fertilization, and deficit irrigation; the Egyptian experience in olive farming through lectures, a field trip, and discussions with experts and farmers to cover all aspects of olive farming; technical dissemination and monitoring and cooperation with research departments for effective dissemination activities under the theme of water-saving agriculture.
Egypt and the Balochistan Region in Pakistan have common issues in terms of water scarcity, soil deterioration and population growth. In Egypt, a combination of population growth and worsening climate change conditions means that farmers' water needs exceed what the Nile River can supply. The country is continuously committed to develop and protect its water resources to meet the interests and requirements of all Egyptians. Therefore, the country is proactively and dynamically managing its water resource systems considering various technical, institutional, and legislative issues. Combining both the Egyptian experience in water resources management, with ICARDA experience in maximizing on-farm water productivity in Egypt, is the main motivation for bringing a group of Pakistani’s high-level water professionals to Egypt for obtaining a new knowledge and expertise and for exchanging ideas and thoughts.
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