The technological advancements in agriculture have resulted in higher yields but lower ecological efficiency and nutritional value. Little innovations in later sectors such as integrating ecological functions in the production systems have crippled...
Le changement climatique est un des plus importants defis auquel le monde doit faire face aujourd’hui et dans le futur. Les secheresses prolongees et la desertification font partie des problemes rencontres par de nombreux pays, particulierement en...
This field guide aims to increase the awareness of small ruminant farmers in evaluating the mating ability of rams and on how to select and/or purchase good breeding males.
Leafminer insects of the genus Liriomyza are small flies whose larvae feed on the internal tissue of some of the most important crop plants for the human diet. Several of these pest species are highly uniform from the morphological point of view...
This booklet provides guidance for milk producers to ensure they produce quality milk products that are safe and hygienic. The issues covered include: the characteristics of good milk, sources of milk contamination, milk handling equipment, and...
Plants are important components of any rangeland. However, the importance of desert rangeland plant diversity has often been underestimated. It has been argued that desert rangelands of Tunisia in good ecological condition provide more services than...