The current status of the agricultural soils in Khorezm is closely linked to their development influenced by past river flows and more recent human-managed irrigation and drainage practices. The initial relief of the Amudarya river delta was formed...
هذا الكتيب هو جزء في سلسلة من عشرة أجزاء تتناول المبادئ/الخطوط التوجيهية الفنية التي تصف ”أفضل الممارسات لإدارة أغنام العواس“ وهي سلالة الأغنام السائدة في عديد من بلدان الشرق الأوسط. وتستهدف السلسلة مربي الأغنام ومصنّعي الحليب، وتؤمن لهم َ نصائح...
Six Ethiopian indigenous goat populations viz. Gumuz, Agew, Begia-Medir, Bati, Abergelle, and Central Abergelle were genotyped for 15 microsatellite markers recommended by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and International...
Durum wheat is grown in the Mediterranean region under stressful and variable environmental conditions. In a 4-year-long experiment, 14 genotypes [including 11 durum breeding lines, two durum (Zardak) and bread (Sardari) wheat landraces, and one...
Inheritance of protruded stigma in black gram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] was investigated in the F(1), F(2), and F(3) generations of four crosses and their reciprocals involving a natural flower mutant with its parent genotype (IPU 99-167) and three...
Since ICARDA’s inception in 1977, the United States has been the single biggest donor to the center’s research and capacity development programs.
The benefits of this significant investment by US partners are dramatically increased crop yields and...
The main objective of the project is the adoption by farming communities of strategies and tested technologies that optimize the conjunctive use of rainwater and scarce water resources in supplemental irrigation systems for improved and sustainable...